Malad kandivli Education Society’s



Curriculum Framework for IBCP

As part of the CP framework, students study at least two Diploma Programme (DP) courses alongside the CP core and a career-related course.

As a CP student, you will learn the theoretical foundations of the programme and gain academic rigour; the career-related course incorporates practical, real-world experiences into the coursework; and the CP core assists with the development of the skills and competencies required for lifelong learning.

In addition to the Career-related studies, students are required to choose related DP subjects at either the standard or higher level in the IB Career-related Programme.

CP Core:

The CP Core is mandatory for all students enrolling in the programme.

  • Personal and Professional Skills goals aim to foster skills development at work by developing transferable skills such as intercultural understanding, communication, and critical thinking abilities.
  • Students who participate in service-learning have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the community. Through service, students develop their personal and social skills and apply them in real-life situations.
  • Reflective Project is a cumulative work based on the exploration of a moral dilemma in the workplace and modern business operations. This project fosters intellectual discovery and creativity and fosters communication and research skills.
  • The Course on Language Development enables students to gain an understanding of other cultures through the use of an additional language within their specific career-related studies.

IBCP Career Pathway

Career-related studies:

Students at BSGD Junior College have the option of choosing career-related programs that fit their aspirations.

By partnering with the World Academy of Career Programmes (WACP), we are able to offer students career-related courses in art, information technology, and management.